Name of Your Abusive Government Employee Here.
Name: Corrupt and Abusive Government Employees Involved with Children and Families
Position: Social Workers, Attorneys, Guardian Ad Litems, and Judges.Wanted: Abuse and Kidnapping of Children
We, the Abused American Families call for an investigation into the illegal and detrimental treatment of our children by those that are suppose to protect them. We call for accountability for the Destruction of Children and Families by Social Workers who are abusing their position of authority and power with no thought to the effects those actions have on children.
For allowing legal kidnapping, placing children with abusive foster parents, lying in court, manipulating the system to benefit the state and their own agendas. Having personal grudges that they take out on families, swearing to care and protect children and in reality being the biggest abusers of all.
I believe these people are a few of the offenders:
Robin Jensen DCF Attorney
Lisa Voigt DCF Supervisor
Judge James Parker 12th Circuit Court,
Brena Slater DCF Supervisor
Amy Clark Guardian Ad Litem Attorney
Add your names to the list!