Saturday, November 30, 2013

Wanted...For....killing justice

Court Judge Rick DeFuria

Name:   Rick DeFuria
Position: Court Judge
Wanted: Covering up for a Sarasota Officer murderer.
Location:Sarasota Fl

My father was murdered by Sarasota County Juvenile Probation Officer, Maria Amurrio, and that obstruction of justice has taken place. Judge Rick DeFuria has knowingly and willingly  participated in denying due process in the case of Murray B. Cohen to make sure that the truth never comes out. Judge Rick DeFuria has made sure that all civil statutes of limitations expire to deny justice and their actions have made sure that Amurrio is not held accountable for murder in the civil arena because it would have forced law enforcement to admit that they made a mistake and it would have been proven that members of the Sarasota Sheriffs Department made the decision to cover up their mistake instead of fixing it. Evidence would have shown that in covering up their mistake has resulted in a serious case of obstruction of justice.

Allowing a murder to go free is in essence killing the victim all over as well as killing justice.
